
Gamers can schedule games, post open games for others to see, add new games to ZuluNet, register for tournaments, and create tournament events for their store given they have been authorized by the store owner.

Scheduling Games

The Game Card is the players main tool for getting their games in. In it you will find three tabs: Upcoming Games (games you’ve scheduled already and are coming up), Created Games (games you’ve created but haven’t been filled), and Nearby Games (non-private games that others have posted nearby that are not filled). To post a game, go to Post A Game and fill out the necessary info, choose if you want to make it open or private, and post it. If it’s a private game then share the link (in the app) or URL (in the website) with the friend.

Open Games

Open games, found in the Nearby Games tab on your Game Card, are games posted by people in your area looking for a game. As gamers, we all know how hard it is to find someone to play your favorite, so you end up settling for whatever everyone else plays. Don’t settle, find your game on ZuluNet or post one yourself. If you can’t find someone try expanding the radius for your nearby games.

Adding a Game to ZuluNet

ZuluNet is designed to accommodate any tabletop (basically non-digital) game out there. If you can’t find your game in the list when trying to post a game then add it your self and get your game on. Note that games will be placed in a pending status until reviewed to ensure there are no duplicate game entries, so be careful that the game you’re trying to add isn’t already there.

Tournament Officials/Event Creation

Tournaments are obviously a big part of the tabletop experience. Stores can have tournaments posted in ZuluNet for players to register for and play. Most stores will authorize a Tournament Official (T.O.) to create events for them and their store for specific games. If you are interested in becoming a T.O., ensure that your game store has an account with ZuluNet and talk to your store owner for details. He, or She, is the key master.

Store Owners

With a ZuluNet account a store owner ensures gamers can easily schedule games at there store. Additionally, they can authorize T.O.’s to create events for games in their store as well as find metrics for their store based off the data found in ZuluNet.


Business owners and store managers can find helpful metrics for their business with their account with ZuluNet. As of right now, they can find metrics for the number of games and events created or scheduled at their store. As time goes on and ZuluNet gains more users (and thus, more data), more helpful, business-minded metrics will be found in ZuluNet. Don’t be the only store in your city without ZuluNet!

Admin (T.O. Authorizations)

As a store owner you need to have tournaments at your store, but you can’t just have anyone post a tournament at your store whenever they want. Use ZuluNet to authorize specific ZuluNet users (like your current T.O.’s) to create tournaments in your store for specific games, or all the games, it’s up to you. There is no limit to the number of T.O.’s one store can have, but keep in mind that once authorized, they’re authorized until you unauthorize them, so if there are any issues that warrant taking away the title of T.O., be sure to remove their authorizations on your ZuluNet account.

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